VALDIG Database and Registry

Sep 1, 2016

Vascular diseases of the liver are a heterogeneous group of rare and if untreated fatal disorders that include portal vein thrombosis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, non-cirrhotic portal hypertension, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia and others.

Current knowledge about patients suffering from these disorders is insufficient and no biological samples are available to study the mechanisms of these diseases and the effects of treatments.

Therefore, with the support of a grant from EASL, we are running this cohort study by including and following up patients on the platform If you are member of VALDIG you can request a password and username (contact to participate to this study by including patients from your center into the database (a complete set of data) or into the registry (a limited set of data).

Project recruiting


  • To characterize the population with vascular liver disease in Switzerland by defining history, outcome and risk factors.
  • To build a bio-bank with blood from these patients.

For more information and the study descriptions see here

Study file(s)


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