This retrospective study tries to determine when portal vein recanalization (PVR) is useful in case of symptomatic portal vein occlusion (PVO). Based on previous experience, portal vein recanalization (PVR) could be a therapeutic option in patients with symptomatic portal vein obstruction (PVO) when at least a portion of the segmental branches of the largest liver segments (V or VIII) remained patent. In the present study, we would like extend our experience in this field by collecting data from patients with PVO from the European vascular disease of the liver group VALDIG. Patients with PVO who underwent PVR after 2010 will be included. Data from patients with PVO from the European vascular disease of the liver group VALDIG will be retrospectively reviewed and follow-up data will be updated. We will classify patients according to the vascular extent of PVO before PVR and assess long-term stent patency in patients with and without TIPS insertion, in those who received and who did not receive anticoagulation therapy, and to the type and duration of treatment.
Percutaneous Portal Vein Recanalization using Self-Expandable Nitinol Stents in Patients with Non-cirrhotic Non-tumoral Portal Vein Occlusion
Project recruiting
The main aim of this study will be to validate the usefulness of the classification of PVO according to the vascular extent of PVO to decide when PVR is feasible. In addition, we also aim to assess the effect of anticoagulation therapy on long-term stent patency and to assess the benefit of TIPS in addition to PVR on long-term stent patency.
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