Development of portal hypertension after acute portal vein thrombosis. A long-term follow-up study

Sep 9, 2020

Background: A few studies have evaluated the long-term evolution of patients after APVT. Previously studies the follow-up was relatively short (a median of 4 years follow-up in patients with a much longer life expectancy).

Hypothesis: Patients with APVT have a risk of developing long-term PHS, regardless of recanalization. Also, recanalized patients can develop PHS due to liver parenchyma distortion after APVT, presence of portal sinusoidal vascular disease, micro-thrombosis or failure to identify small vessel thrombosis by conventional imaging studies.

Project recruiting


  • Main Objective of the study :  Evaluate in a large cohort of patients with Non-cirrhotic APVT, with at least 12m of follow up after diagnosis, the risk of developing PHS in relation to the degree of recanalization achieved with treatment.
  • Objective 2: Identificacion of factors predicting recanalization, survival, high-risk esophageal varices, variceal bleeding, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, portal cholangiopathy, presence of porto-systemic shunts and re-thrombosis episodes.
  • One of main inclusion criteria: Is to have one contrast-enhanced CT scan or MRI staging the extension of APVT at diagnosis and other image study during follow-up, more than 12m.

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